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LG Pro:Centric Hotel TV and Signage solution allows you to welcome your guests in an simpler and easier manner compared to existing solutions.

Hotel TV >

LG Hotel TV, with solutions like Pro:Centric, lets you diffentiate and better manage your hotel.

Case Studies

W Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland

W Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland

GIO Stadium, Australia
Public Space

GIO Stadium, Australia

Middle East Cases, 2014

Middle East Cases, 2014

Almanac Hotel, Spain

Almanac Hotel, Spain

Digipolis Fire Department, Belgium

Digipolis Fire Department, Belgium

LG Project Profile Series: M Beta at Charlotte Marriott City Center

M Beta at Charlotte Marriott City Center, US

W Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland
W Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland
GIO Stadium, Australia
Public Space
GIO Stadium, Australia
Middle East Cases, 2014
Middle East Cases, 2014
Almanac Hotel, Spain
Almanac Hotel, Spain
Digipolis Fire Department, Belgium
Digipolis Fire Department, Belgium
LG Project Profile Series: M Beta at Charlotte Marriott City Center
M Beta at Charlotte Marriott City Center, US
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