Tontine House is an entrepreneurial hub for business, commissioned by Glasgow City Council as part of a £1.6million conversion project expected to inject £53million into the local economy over the next 5 years.
LG worked with SSUK to deliver an AV system that would reflect the needs of the entrepreneurs, specifying multiple LG SM5KB displays for its collaboration spaces and a 2x2 videowall compromised of LG 55-in LV35A displays for its reception area. Each huddle room has video conferencing and wireless presentation capabilities built in, with SSUK connecting the Barco Click-Share CSE-200 to the 55-in SM5KB displays.
Enhancing Customer Experience with Best Options
It’s really been a very collaborative process; there’s never been a dull day, constantly evolving, constantly looking for ways to innovate and tie all of our technology and experiences together.
Scott Shultz, Director of Infrastructure and Venue Technology, Topgolf
“We made the decision to look for a partner who can help migrate us to a commercial display solution that can withstand the turnover and have more ability for us to automate the content on the screens.”
Scott Lovejoy, Topgolf Entertainment Group Vice President
LG is the best partner we’ve ever had. We’ve worked with many different companies, but until now have never had someone by our side who truly works with us as a team member to pull off everything you see at the Topgolf venue.
Derek Wilson, President, Diem Digital